How do I deactivate the Exam Side-By-Side Patient EMR History

How do I deactivate the Exam Side-By-Side Patient EMR History and return to the EMR drop down to access a patient exam history?” (see help file for more information) Go to the Filopto Configuration manager (1) Do to System Settings / Pick List (2) Select EMR tab (3)...

How to use Groupings of Inventory items

Filopto can consolidate your inventory into manageable groups for analysis or reporting on items.  Find what groups of items are selling, in-stock or need your attention.  Built-in inventory reports are available to report on groups of items by Type, Vendor,...

Employees Out of Office List

The optional Employee Scheduler module permits user to quickly verify when employees are absent or not available.  The out-of-Office employee list appears as a separate tab in the patient scheduler. Having the ability to quickly view and confirm if an employee is...

Get rid of the sticky notes! – Alert and Warnings

The Alerts and Warnings feature will help notify your users of important items.  From EMR Alerts, to Patient or Vendor information and more.  The user can create and administer how Filopto will Alert or Warn a user about key information. For example, users can create...

How to Find Inventory on Hand

Filopto makes it easy to find in real time what inventory items you have on hand for a specific Inventory type. Go to the Inventory Manager: Select the Inventory type you want to displayed (1).  Click on the “Apply Search Criteria ” button. Once the...